Natural disasters come in many forms. From the horrifying terror from the ground, the destructive force from the ocean, the unholy nightmare from the sky, to the mystifying unknown from space, nature have proven to us that even though humans have been developing for thousands of years, we are still no match to its awesome yet terrifying power. But since there's many different types of natural disasters, if I try to cover them all, the blog would be too long and you would just soon give up. So instead in this blog I'm just going to go over some key informations about what cause natural disasters, their effects, and what have humans done in trying to prevent it.
There are many ways to divide the different causes of natural disasters; but in my opinion, these causes are divided into 4 categories: natural disasters cause by the movement of the Earth, natural disasters caused by the weather, natural disasters caused after another natural disasters, and natural disasters caused by factors in space.
The first one occurs whenever the Earth, and by that I mean the very ground you and I are standing on, move. It's a well-known fact that Earth's land are constantly moving. Even though the speed is not very fast (~5cm/year), it can still cause massive destruction. And the worse part is that these kinds of natural disasters are very difficult to predict and is impossible to stop. What we can do is to take action to limit the damage and loss of life when they occur. Examples for these kinds are: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis.
The second one occurs whenever the weather becomes extreme to the point where it begins to cause damage. These include typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes, extreme heat (drought), or extreme cold weather (snowstorm). Unlike the ones above, these events can usually be detected so warnings can be put out. This is one way to minimize the damage and life loss from hurricanes and tornadoes. But sometimes these disasters come without a warning, and the only thing you can do is to hide inside your house and hope it depletes or go away.
The third ones include landslide, flood, mudslides, basically things that stay after a natural disasters. Even though they aren't usually fatal to humans, they do make people's lives miserable by destroying and taking away houses, crops, furnitures, equipments, money... Luckily these can be spotted or expected earlier on so people can take their properties with them to they wouldn't get lost.
And finally, the most destructive, mysterious, and highly unlikable type of natural disasters: things from spaces. Why is it the most destructive? Because things come from space are usually huge in size. Even though we have the atmostphere to protect us by burning these objects into oblivion before they reached the ground, there are still objects that are too big to be completely burn out. And it's these kinds of objects that have horrifying destructive force. Think about the asteroid that wipe out the dinosaurs 66 million years ago. But that's not all, there are still tons of things in space that can completely obliterate our planet, for example black holes, supernovas, hypernovas, and even rouge planets. But since the chance that any of these events occur near enough to have an impact on Earth is infinitestimally small, we can relax and not have to worry about the total annihilation of Earth. But when they do occurs, well, there's not much we can do but accepting our fate. Sounds kinda grim, don't you think?
So what can you do to help them? As I've stated in my previous blog, you can do anything you want, as long as you think that that can help people to overcome these problems (unless that something is illegal or immoral). If you are students, you can spread the informations, or maybe collect for charity, or maybe raise funds, or even create a club to help solve it. If you are a politican, you can suggest that the government do more to help the people who have been through these natural disasters to get back on their feet and return to their normal lives. If you are a scientist, try creating things that can help prevent these natural disasters. No matter if it's an invention, an idea, or simply a fun thought, if you think it can help protect people around the world from natural disasters, go do it. No matter who you are, if you think there's something you can do to help people to overcome natural disasters, then I suggest you start now. Yes! you, the person sitting in front of the screen reading these very words, go do what you think is helpful to the world. Go, now! And I'll see you in the next blog.
Natural Disaster:
Impact of Natural Disaster:
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