Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 6, 2015

Global Risk Report

Recently, the World Economic Forum has released the Global Risk Report 2015, which highlights the most significant global issues that we're going to face this year(click here to read the report). This is a very comprehensive report, listing all of the problems that the world is facing, the reasons behind them, possible future solutions, while also ranking them in terms of impact and likelihood. Here's a graph of the 28 global issues that are considered the most significant in 2015, in terms of impact and likelihood:
Let's talk a bit about this graph. Interstate conflict seems to be the most likely risk to happen, and its impact is one of the highest, too. But what is interstate conflict? Simple, it's a conflict that happens between states/countries. The war of the U.S and its allies against ISIS is an interstate conflict. Sanctions that the U.S give to Russia because of events that have happened in Ukraine is another interstate conflict. Interstate conflicts has becoming more and more frequent nowadays, and their impact is becoming greater. In fact, "Having not featured prominently in previous editions of the report, interstate conflict is this year considered the most likely high-impact risk over the next 10 years, or indeed perhaps even sooner." (Global Risk Report 2015) It seems that if nothing is done to prevent interstate conflict, then the future that we're heading toward at is going to be a bloody one.
Things does not look good this year.
But interstate conflict is not the only risk that we should be worried about. Climate change is also an important one that can affect the entire Earth's population, which includes humans, animals (although technically, human is an animal species), and plants. Climate change can affect the way weather works, which can make extreme weather events happen more frequently, and food production suffer as the result.
 " extremes in food-producing regions are already causing price increases and suggests that the impact of climate change on weather patterns and rainfall – causing either floods or droughts – could cut crop yields by up to 25%." (Global Risk Report 2015)
Climate change can also affect the behavior of animals and plants. Already we are seeing animals appeared in regions far away from their usual territories, forests caught on fire, ecosystems got destroyed. Heck, polar bears have been found on floating ice blocks, not knowing where to go because their homes have melted. And who cause all of this? Most likely: humans. Human activities for the past 250 years have been destroying the planet faster and faster everyday. 

Take pollution for example, the current level of atmospheric concentration of three major greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are at their highest in 800,000 years. As the result, heat from the sun is trapped on Earth due to these gases, which makes the world hotter. Heat waves in India have already claimed more than 2500 lives in just a month. Some regions have reached a temperature close to 48 degree Celcius (that's 118 degree Fahrenheit!) But somehow, there's still politicians who claimed that global warming isn't real. (I'm looking at you, James Inhofe). With a situation as severe as it is now, actions are needed to be make in order to prevent the environment and everything in it from being destroy, by us.

So far, we've talked about political risks and environmental risks. But what about economical risks? The economy is a very complex and delicate structure that connect many aspects of society together. Since there are so many things connected to each other, an error might cause a failure to a huge sector of the system, or even the system itself if the error is big enough. And with a structure as complex as the economy, it's hard to maintain it from collapsing.

And finally, one of the newer issues in our list, cyber crime is becoming more and more of a serious issue. With technology surrounding us 24/7, we are constantly vulnerable against cyber attacks. Whether we're working or sleeping or watching tv, there's always a risk that someone's going to hack into your computer to steal your private information like your bank account, your social id, etc. With just a bit of knowledge about hacking, almost anyone can steal information away from you. But information and identity aren't the only thing you need to be worry losing. Many cars nowadays have control systems to operate the car. The danger part is that you can gain access to the control system remotely. That means that hackers can lock you in your car and wait until you're suffocated, or drive your car straight into other vehicles on the road, or simply throw you of the bridge into the river. Cyber crime has never been more dangerous. And with technology becoming more and more advance, cyber crime can grow even larger and more lethal in the future.

Finally, here's a graph showing the risks that each region in the world is less prepare for. Hopefully, this blog has helped you learn a bit more about what we're going to face in 2015.

Global risk infographics:
Interstate conflict:
Environmental risk:

Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 6, 2015


Everything that you do in life requires motivation. Reading a book takes motivation, taking a bath takes motivation, wake up early in the morning to go to school takes a huge motivation, writing this blog takes motivation. For each and every tasks that a person does each day, there's usually a reason behind that makes the person does it, whether he likes it or not.
But that's not all what motivation can do. People who have something that strongly motivates them are more likely to success in what they do or to achieve their dreams, even though they might face many challenges along the way. So what motivates people, and how can we use them to solve world issues? That's what I'll be taking about today.
When it comes to the subject of human motivation, there have been dozens of theories trying to explain it, classify it, and rank it. In this vast pool of knowledge and predictions, two theories shine and become well-known in the field of human psychology: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Aristotle's Seven Causes of Human Action.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, developed by Abraham Maslow in 1943, describe the 5 levels of human needs: physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. He believes that everyone is motivated to reach the top, however only a few made it. This is because if you want to reach higher levels, you have to satisfy the lower ones first. It can then be derive from his research that the reason human are motivated to do something is to satisfy a certain level of needs so they can move on to the next one.
Aristotle's Seven Causes of Human Action, developed by Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle, said that all actions are due "...either to emotion or reason and that we seek pleasant things and act to reduce pain." ( In his theory, the seven causes that result in all human actions are: chance, nature, compulsions, habit, reason, passion and desire. These seven causes have many practical usages in many aspects of our life. From marketing, philosophy, to psychology and psychiatry, Aristotle's Seven Causes of Human Action helps us understand the motivation behind human actions.
How can we use these theories to solve world problems? Let's take pollution as an example. In my country, everyone litters because there's no reason why they shouldn't. Even though most people know that pollution is bad for the environment, there's no signs or indications that it's directly affecting their lives. Therefore, they don't have any motivation to stop littering. Companies released waste into rivers because it costs a lot to have those waste treated properly. In a business perspective, it's financially more benefit to just dump trash into the water. There's no motivation for companies to recycle or build waste processors (I think that's what it called). So if we find a way to help people see that protecting the environment from pollution is directly benefit to their lives, then we can help make the world a cleaner place.
It's kind of sad to know this is how we treat Earth
Polluting our source of water? What's wrong with people?
Same thing is happening to water shortage. Since many of us get access to water so easily, we don't generally think that we should save water. What we didn't know is that 783 million people in the world don't have access to clean water. But since that doesn't affect our life or is one of our needs, we simply don't care. If we can get people to realize the potential benefit in saving water (save water = save money), then we can slowly, but surely stop shortage of clean water around the world.
While we waste water in our every task,
These girls have to walk for miles just to get 1 bucket of water
People aren't the only ones lacking motivation in solving world problems. Leaders of governments around the world, according to Global Risk 2015, procrastinates and act very slowly when it comes to finding a way to solve problems in the world economy. This is partly because world economy is very complex, therefore when you're trying to solve a problem, you have to be careful not to create 15 more of them. So maybe hardness is the real problem behind the sluggish behaviors of our leaders. Or maybe the reason is because they aren't passionate about making their country a better place but instead trying to help themselves gain more power. If this was true, then it would explain why a leader who is passionate about achieving his goal (like Martin Luther King) is more likely to success than those who only say that they are.If our educational system can improve so that every single citizen is motivated to help their country become a better place, then maybe we'll get better world leaders, therefore world problems can be solve.
Motivation is a strong tool that can help a man achieve the impossible. Therefore, no matter how great or difficult a task is awaiting for you in the future, just remember that if you're motivated to face it, you'll be more likely to achieve success.

Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 6, 2015

Is "giving" all we have?

So recently, my teacher showed me this video and asked me to write a blog about it. This is one of those "inspirational" and "philosophical" video about life so if this is not your thing then you can just skip this blog.
To be honest, this video confused the heck out of me. However, I'll try my best to interpret what this video is about and, hopefully, give you my opinions about the subject.
In the beginning, the video talks about how the world is "fragmented" and "full of distractions", that we're always so busy thinking about what we're going to do that we choose to ignored everything else. Then the author says that we are focusing too much on the external world and not the internal one. What does that mean? Is the author saying that all the stresses and distractions of our daily life are the things that prevent us from journey into the internal world? That would make sense since with all of the issues and distractions that we worry about everyday (issues such as work, school, social expectations,etc. and distractions such as the Internet, TV, games,etc.), we don't have time to discover who we are or socialize with anyone anymore.
Have you ever been in a situation where someone would ask you something about yourselves and your respond was "I don't know!" This kind of situation has becoming more and more frequent in teenagers, who spent most of their free time either on their phones or computers. The result is that many teens don't know what they want to become when they grow up, some aren't even sure what their hobbies and interests are (like yours truly). In the beginning of the year, seniors at my school were asked by the school counselor about what major they're going to choose for college, and about half of them didn't even decide yet. It seems that with all of the distractions and problems that are surrounding us, our life has become a repetitive cycle of working-frittering. If people aren't working, they're most likely to use their technologies. People just don't socialize like they used to anymore. Like the author said, "...we are alienating from each other..."
The second topic that the author discussed about is the fact that westerners value rational thinking more than meditative thinking. What that means is, westerners choose to believe logic and rational thoughts over guts and feelings. You might be asking "How is this a problem?" Well, like the author said, "language is incapable of  portraying reality." This means that mathematical equations, research documents, science experiments, etc., they are just "maps" showing us what reality looks like, they aren't reality itself.
This kind of thinking, however, is useless in carrying out practical affairs. But the author uses this way of thinking to show us that nature is a field with stuffs in it that influence each other. He believes that it doesn't know or doesn't care about what it made up of, how can it do what it does, why it do what it does, or anything relating to that subject, it just do what it normally do. This "attitude" of nature is something the author called a "flow of energy", an "...urge of nature wanting to be free." (This is some serious hippie stuffs right here, not that there's anything wrong with being a hippie.)
This "flow of energy", according to the author, should be allowed to flow freely and not stopped. The author believes that blockage of this "flow of energy" is the reason why we aren't happy, that if we "...undo ourselves from all physical, emotional, mental, spiritual blockages and social expectations to let room for this flow of energy to run through us...", our purpose in life will unfolds through what we give to the world.
This idea seems pretty good to me. However, there's something about his video that I don't agree on. It's the fact that he claims companies that protect their companies with copy rights are blocking nature's "flow of energy", that they're trying to fight nature!? The author praised the millions of people in the world who are giving out their knowledge, talents, love and compassion for free. But something like that can't be apply to companies because their goal is to make money. How can a company make money if they give out their products for free? Or let others steal their intellectual property? I know the author means well when he said we have to give things to the world to realize our purpose, but is it so wrong to protect your work? The title of this video might be "giving is all we have", but this makes me believe that it should be "we should give out things for free". Trust me, almost nothing in this world is "free".
Overall, this is a very interesting video with a lot of meaningful messages. This blog is just to show you how I feel about this video, so feel free to show me what you think about the video in the comments.

Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 5, 2015

Importance of Biodiversity

Biodiversity is a necessary part of life. The diverseness of species is what makes an ecosystem thrives. Millions of species all related to each other, their roles intertwined to help maintain the environment that they're living in. The more intertwined they are to others, the more resilient the environment is to change. However, we are, in many ways, destroying the diversity in ecosystems all around the world. So for today, I'm going to talk about the importance of biodiversity and why we should protect it. (For anyone who's too lazy to read, there's a video at the bottom which pretty much covers all that we're going to talk about.)

First of all, watch the video above so you'll have a basic understanding of what biodiversity is. Don't worry, I'll wait.
A little treat for male readers out there. ;)
Why is biodiversity important? If you google that question, you'll find that biodiversity is not only important to environment but to mankind as well. If you've finished watching the video, then you should have an understanding of how biodiversity helps shape an ecosystem. Therefore, I'm only going to focus about what role biodiversity take part in our life.

First of all, we all know that biodiversity helps create strong, resilient, healthy ecosystems. So how does a healthy ecosystem benefit us? Here's a list of just a few things that ecosystems can offer to us:
  • Protecting areas from soil erosion, floods, and other harmful weather conditions

  • Reducing risk of local and global climate change

  • Recycling nutrients

  • Pollination and biological control

  • Controlling pollutants

  • Monitoring the health of the environment

So biodiversity helps create environment where life can thrive, therefore it is keeping us alive. Pretty important, right? But it's hard to imagine that something so vague is keeping us alive. Therefore, let's talk about the economic value that biodiversity brings (because money is easier to imagine than the how nitrogen get recycled by nature).
It's kinda hard to imagine something like this, isn't it?
What does biodiversity bring that is economically-benefited to us? Well food is one thing. Biodiversity offers us a whole range of different kinds of food (like a gigantic buffet), each has its own nutrients that are beneficial to human being. Also, it makes eating more enjoyable. Imagine how suck it would be if the gigantic buffet only has one dish. 
Can't decide which image to use, so I use all of them. :)
Secondly, biodiversity offers us medicines. For thousands of years, human have been using herbs, plants, and even animal parts as medicines to cure a wide range of different diseases. Not to mention, it also provide herbs that is enjoyed by many teenagers nowadays (ehem, weed, ehem). I'm not saying that it's good or not (however there's a ton of articles saying that it is), but it's certainly is interesting to know that biodiversity provide teenager an addicted pastime.  
Were you expecting a picture of weed?
Thirdly, biodiversity provide materials for commercial uses. Plants provide trees, wool, syrup, oil, dye, seasonings, etc. while animals provide meat, fur, eggs, etc. In an earlier blog that I wrote about ocean ecology, I've mention that the ocean ecosystem provides about 1.2 million jobs, 38 million dollar worth of income, and 140 million dollar worth of sales in 2014 for the U.S. Now that's a lot of money.
And what have humans do to the thing that have given us so much? We're destroying it, little by little, every day. Watch the video below to know about the threats that biodiversity is facing, thanks to us. 8-|

So what can we do to stop people from damaging biodiversity? You can encourage your local community to protect and diversify biodiversity by planting trees and gardens, and consume goods moderately. If your local community uses pesticide, encourage them to stop using pesticides and instead invest in animals that can help kill pests. You can also spread information about the importance of biodiversity to others (like this blog, for instance), or create events that help promote biodiversity protection.

There are many ways in which you can help protect biodiversity. No one way is better than other. As long as you can remember the importance of biodiversity to nature and human life, and work toward protecting it from being destroy, any way you choose is a good way.
Too lazy to read? Watch this video instead!

Source + extra links for people who are interested in this topic:
Learning to protect biodiversity:
Why is biodiversity important?
Threats to biodiversity:

Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 5, 2015

Nuclear Energy - Good or Bad?

After decades of using coal as an energy source, most people have finally acknowledge its harmful side effects. Many countries are slowly moving away from coal in favor of more environmentally friendly energy source, clean energy, as they call it. This new and emergent trend is becoming more and more popular in developed countries, who wish to protect the environment and not follow the footsteps of China. However, a question arises, "Which one should we use?" Well, you can probably guess which one I'm going to talk about based on the title. Yes, I'm going to talk about nuclear energy, arguably one of the most promising alternative for coal. However, is nuclear energy a good source of energy to use, or are the cons completely overwhelm the pros? (Video at the bottom for people who are too lazy to read)
First, you should watch the video above to have a basic understanding of what nuclear energy is. It's ok, I'll wait. :-w Done? Ok, let's talk.
What are the benefits of using nuclear energy? First of all, it's much cleaner than coal. It's CO2 emission is relatively low. Unlike coal, where huge amounts of CO2 is released into the air when energy is produce, energy production in nuclear power plants release zero CO2 gases, as well as other greenhouse gases such as SO2 and NO. The process of recovering uranium from the Earth's crust, transportation of uranium and wastes, construction of power plants, etc. do release a certain amount of greenhouse gases into the air. This amount of gases, however, is insignificant when compare to the 1,562 million metric tons of CO2 released by coal power plants in the U.S last year. Because of this, nuclear energy has been proposed as "the" method to mitigate the effects of climate change.
No more
Secondly, nuclear energy is more proficient than fossil fuels. Here is an interesting fact for you: the amount of energy nuclear fission produced is about 10 million times greater than burning 1 atom of fossil fuel. Also, 1 gram of uranium can produce the same amount of energy as that of 3 tonnes of coal. Nuclear energy is renewable, contrary to popular belief, through the use of breeder reactors and fusion reactors. This plus the fact that if we can learn to control atomic fusion, the same reactions as those that fueled the sun, we'll have access to almost unlimited energy.
But no type of energy is perfect. Even though the whole "unlimited energy" sounds awesome, nuclear energy does possess threats that makes countries and investors hesitate to use it (everything has a catch, I guess).
The first con of nuclear energy is radiation. Radioactive waste is a product of nuclear fission. These waste can't be get rid of and instead being stored in storage ponds under tight security so it won't leak out to the environment. After a certain time, the radiation level of the waste will drop below the harmful level. However, that will take hundreds of years for radioactive waste to completely decay into harmless material. And with nuclear power plants producing more and more waste everyday, we're running out of place to safely store them.
Accident is another problem that many people fear. Example of famous nuclear power plant accidents including the Three Mile Island accident, the Chernobyl disaster, and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. In reality, these kind of accidents rarely happen. But when they do, they devastated the entire area, making it inhabitable. The Fukishima accident, for example, create a 30-km evacuation zone where no one is allowed to come in unless under government supervision. The Chernobyl disaster killed 31 workers when it happened, and need a total cost of 18 billion rubles (350 million dollars) to contain the contamination. When such an event happened, it not only devastated the economy of a country, but also intoxicated the surrounding environment and harm people. If you want to know more about how radiation affect a person and what are its effect to human health, click here.
Another con of nuclear energy is the amount of money needed to built a nuclear power plant. Even though when compare to coal power plant, nuclear power plant doesn't cost as much to operate, the cost to build one is just too high for some investors. This is because nuclear power plant have to follow a lot of regulations to make sure that accidents don't happen or radioactive material don't escape to the outside world. Not only that, the cost to store radioactive waste are also high, too. With so much rules and regulations to follow, many investors decide to stick with coal instead. But hey, rules are rules. /nobigdeal
The last con of nuclear energy is that they are hot target for terrorist. Imagine a group of terrorists have control of a ship transferring radioactive waste container to another country for storage. All that radioactive material is now in the hand of people who are willing to release them into the world for their own purposes. How danger does that sound? Nuclear power plant can also be used by countries to make nuclear weapons. Imagine something like the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings happen again right now. The effects would be catastrophic.
So, the question still remains: "Should we use nuclear energy or not?" In my opinion, we should use nuclear energy because it can produce a huge amount of energy with low effects on the environment. But if we are going to use nuclear energy more frequently, there need to be better technologies to help increase the safety of power plants, storage of radioactive waste, and recycle radioactive waste. Development in the field of nuclear energy has been stagnant since the 1970s. A lot of nuclear power plant in the world are still using old technologies, which increase the risk of another disaster to happen. So, in order for nuclear energy to replace fossil fuel in the future, improvement in technology is a must.
Too lazy to read? Watch this video instead!

Nuclear energy's pros and cons:
Nuclear power plant CO2 emission:
Coal power plant CO2 emission:
Science of nuclear power:
Nuclear power explained:
Health effects of radiation:
Chernobyl disaster:
Fukishima Daiichi nuclear disaster:

Clean Water Crisis

"For many of us, clean water is so plentiful and readily available that we rarely, if ever, pause to consider what life would be like without it." - Marcus Samuelsson

What can we say about water than haven't been said before? "It's important to our lives" would be the most cliche answer there is. But it would be a correct one. Water is a crucial factor in almost every aspect of our lives, or rather, of the lives of every living things on Earth. From the largest of biome, to the smallest of living cell, water is always there, sustaining life as it always do. Therefore, it's only logical that something as useful as water should be conserve for long-time usage.

However, that's not the case with us humans. If you can stop just for a moment and have a look at the video above, you would see how have people wasted water on a daily basis and the consequences behind. Also, corporations releases thousands of gallons of industrial wastes in streams and river every day, turning perfectly good water source into toxic streams of death. Wasting water, polluting water, we are literally destroying the thing that's keeping us alive everyday. Why do people do it? What's the result of this course of action? Who does it affect? And how can we stop it? That's what I'm going to talk about today.

Why do people waste water? In my opinion, it has to do with how human reacts to abundance. Whenever we have a lot of something to use, we don't usually worry about how much is left or how effectively we use it until we run low on it. If someone have a lot of time to do HW, he might wasted his time surfing the Internet until the last minute. Likewise, we don't usually think about how much water we are wasting because we have so much of it, or at least that's what we thought. If you want some water, you can just turn the tap and there it is. So because water is so easy to get in our daily lives, we are caught in this illusion of abundance, thinking that since water is so accessible, there must be a lot of it, so it's ok if we wasted a little bit. It's this illogical thinking that puts California in the position it's in today. (click here to read about the California drought)

What's the result of wasting and polluting water? There are 769 million people in the world who don't have access to clean water right now. That's one tenth of the entire human population. And then there's people who use water as if they have access to an infinite amount of it. But soon, as Californians have experienced, their water resource runs out, and they suffered from it. Water is such an important factor in our life, but because it's so easy to access, we sometimes forgot just how precious they truly are. Only 21% of Earth's water is drinkable, and that amount of water have are used by almost every living things on Earth. What if one day, we wasted our last drop and pollute our last river, what would happen then? I'll tell you what happen: every living thing will die.

How can we stop it? One might think the answer is simple and straightforward: Stop wasting and polluting water. But just saying that means nothing. People aren't going to stop wasting water, factories aren't going to stop polluting rivers, and companies aren't going to pay for water cleaning systems just because we said so. We have to do something to convince people that shortage in clean water is a serious problem, that wasting water is a luxury we can't afford and polluting water is a sin we can't recover from. So, if you truly think that shortage in clean water is a serious world problem, go out there and do what you can to stop people from wasting and polluting it.

Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 3, 2015

Ocean Ecology

"Sooner or later, we will have to recognise that the Earth has rights, too, to live without pollution. What mankind must know is that human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans." - Evo Morales

Since the ocean covers 71% of Earth's surface, it's only reasonable that the marine ecosystem is one of the biggest ecosystem in the world. It's also one of the most diversify ecosystem, with coral reefs capable of having more than 1000 species per square meter. However, in recent years, we human have been destroying the ocean ecosystem and making many ocean species gone extinct. This act needs to stop or else the biggest ecosystem in the world is going to be destroyed.

Why do we need to preserve the ocean ecosystem? First of all, the ocean contains many mysteries still remained undiscovered. Even with the knowledge and technology we have now, humans have only discovered 5% of the entire ocean. Some scientists said that we know more about space than we know about Earth's ocean. The estimated number of species in the ocean is about 1 million. Of all that, we've only discovered about 226,000 species. This means that there are still hundreds of thousands of species left out there still waiting for us to discover. This means that ocean legend like the Kraken might actually exist, we just haven't found it yet :). But if we humans destroys the ocean ecosystem, those mysterious and possibly out of this world creatures would have gone before we get a chance to discover them.
Second, the ocean ecosystem is a huge source for fisheries. Every year, in the US alone, ocean fisheries provides 1.2 million jobs, 38 million dollar worth of income, and 140 million dollar worth of sales. Not to mention, the ocean is a huge source of food. From fishes, shrimps, scallops, caviar, to those huge and deluxe lobsters, the ocean have given us many raw materials used to create millions of delicacies. So if we destroy the ocean ecosystem, we also destroy a huge source of income for any country in the world, not to mention removed millions of delicious dishes from our menu.
What have human done to the ocean ecosystem? If you Google human's affect on the ocean, there will be a huge list of many different horrible acts that we human have commited to the ocean. From over-fisheries, pollution, eutrophication, to introduce new species, ocean acidification, and climate change, because of our acts, 39% of marine wildlife is gone, and 30-35% of ocean ecosystems world wide is gone.

So if you're reading this, I sincerely hope that you will spread the information to everyone you know about this problem so everyone can be aware of the harmful effects that we're doing to the ocean. If many people understands the important of ocean, hopefully, in the future, ocean ecosystem will be protect.